Do-it-yourself: the ecological Facial Scrub

Do-it-yourself: the ecological Facial Scrub

What does coffee have to do with Bensos products, some people will wonder… Well, the answer deals with self-production and with cosmetic treatments. Women’s face skin, particularly when it is not so young anymore, needs periodically a cleaning of dead cells from outermost surface. When we feel


Ho to clean the food waste bin

Ho to clean the food waste bin

The door-to-door waste collection is improving the quality of life in our towns and villages, which are cleaner and cleaner, as bad smelling solid waste are no more piled up on street corners, waiting to be collected. Obviously, at one time the problem was a public health


About natural lips moisturizers

About natural lips moisturizers

Lips may need to be protected from wind and weather conditions not only in winter, but in summertime too. When lips get dry, to avoid chaps it is advisable first to drink more water, second to treat them with a suitable cosmetic product. Let us see which
