In recent years, fast climate changes and the increase of disorders associated to toxic chemicals exposition are in the spotlight, as they are outcomes of the unchecked and bad management of human activities into the environment.

In particular, the bad governance of energy production and the lack of foresight in not biodegradable toxic chemicals production gave in the past and still give cause of concern; in Europe we started to resolve this issue introducing the principles of Green Economy: among them, more attention to the water quality and to wastewater management, the ecological culture promotion both in production and in consumption.

How does Bensos’ activity in relation to this collective enhancement project? The aim is exactly the same: to play a role in environmental protection and remediation, in eradicating toxic chemicals use and in improving users’ life quality.

From the beginning, Bensos takes into consideration many parameters simultaneously, in making products:

  • ecological parameters (biodegradability, toxicity towards aquatic organisms, environmental accumulation);
  • toxicological parameters (mutagenicity, reproductive toxicity, teratogenicity, endocrine disruption, bioaccumulation, allergenicity).

Such criteria allow to care of surface water and groundwater, to save disposal costs (for ex. by professional users), to avoid exposition to toxic chemicals and allergens.

Bensos made important choices in the farm managing too:

  • give priority to renewable origin ingredients, whenever possible;
  • only recyclable materials for packaging;
  • company vehicle fuelled by LPG;
  • certified renewable origin electric power.

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