DNA_Our body is a collection of tissues, each one with a function; they are constituted by the cells, which are characterized by different kinds of proteins.
Each protein is created following the instructions codified inthe DNA, which is organized in chromosomes and is stored inside the cell nucleus.
Cells are essentially divided in two kinds: somatic cells (with 46 chromosomes), that are the main cells of the body; germ cells (with 23 chromosomes), that are particularly the reproductive ones.
DNA can be damaged and its structure changed by the “mutagen” agents. The action of mutagens is generally opposed and fixed by our body, following enzymatic physiological mechanisms.
However some mutagens are stronger than other, so a part of this mutations is not fixable by our organism. Modified DNA will pass down to future cells modified instructions for the creation of new protein molecules. Depending on the strength of the mutagen and on the kind of cell, probability will increase that somatic cells will be affected by a tumor, or that germ cells will be affected by a genetic disorder.

Our immune system is structured to protect organism against various attacks, among them the carcinogenic agents attacks. For example, there are tumor suppressors genes and proto-oncogen genes; in order that carcinogens are detoxified and removed from the body, those two genes must not mutate: if the formers undergo a mutation, they will not suppress tumors; if the furthers undergo a mutation, they will convert to oncogen genes, stimulating tumors proliferation. These are mechanisms that threaten our natural defence.

That’s why exposure to mutagens must be the smallest possible.

Bensos selects chemicals with no tendency to mutagenicity, for consumers’ and Bensos’ workers health.

[E.P.Solomon, L.R.Berg, D.W.Martin: Biology (4a ed., 2006), Edises; J.Timbrell: Introduction to Toxicology (3rd ed., 2002), CRC Press; Casarett & Doull’s: Toxicology (6a ed., 2007), EMSI].

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