Bensos is proud to announce the achievement of a very important objective: we just obtained the eco-label Good Environmental Choice (Bra Miljöval) for two products, the Super Degreaser for household use and the Powersos for professional use.

At the moment, the Good Environmental Choice label applies to products and services made mainly in Scandinavian countries, but is valid in the whole Europe: in Green Public Procurement (GPP), Good Environmental Choice is considered as well as Ecolabel. To our knowledge, Bensos is the first Italian company to get the permission to mark products with this prestigious label. Over the years, this label was taken in account mainly by raw materials manufacturers: numerous multinational chemical corporations searched for the Good Environmental Choice approval for some of the ingredients they produce.

Bra Miljöval Criteria for finished products are very restrictive, so that this eco-label is one of the most difficult to achieve; from this various eco-labels, born afterward as the European Ecolabel, took the cue. Guidelines that make remarkable to achieve this certificate are essentially the following:

  • ingredients selected for their very low environmental impact;
  • lack of long-term toxic chemicals;
  • lack of toxic impurities and of endocrine disruptors;
  • active content above a certain value, according to the main use of the product, in order to ensure the efficiency;
  • virtuous behaviour of the company with regard to travel management, for example using vehicles with low environmental impact;
  • redaction and implementation of a Paper of Values, according to principles of social responsibility;
  • use of ricyclable packaging.

Bensos’ Criteria are even more restrictive, for some parameters; but we think that Good Environmental Choice is the closest to our way of understanding of ecological detergency: this certificate includes the analysis  of the whole life cycle and the continuous improvement is rewarded; their Criteria, when necessary, are progressively made harder.

When Bensos’ project started, it was guided precisely by this eco-label Criteria and now we feel deeply honoured to have been able to achieve it for the first two products that we submitted to the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.

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