Bensos’ professional use products are very recommendable for cleaning Public Administration, as schools, school canteens, offices, warehouses.

All products fulfil GPP Criteria and are allergens-free. So public bodies can lower their own environmental impact and, at the same time, make more and more livable workplaces and study sites.

Bensos’ detergents and Benè cleansers, aside from being very efficient, are among the less sensitizing products on the market, as they do contain neither allergens nor irritant solvents nor long-term toxic chemicals, following the restrictive Bensos’ criteria.

Products portfolio includes Bra Miljoval Powersos, labelled with the Swedish ecological standard which is even stricter than Ecolabel.

Bensos has an account in MEPA public purchase gateway, where some products are available. As Bensos has just start to use this device, we ask to interested Public Bodies to contact us: MEPA catalogue can be easily integrated with new products, customizing the offer on the basis of geographical area.

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