About anti-foaming agents in detergents

About anti-foaming agents in detergents

Foam, that in our minds we usually associate to detergents, is not always welcome: in some products foam is useful, in others it would be counterproductive. For example: in washing-up foam helps to make detergent clearly visible to the user; in dishwashing by machine, on the other


About allergens

About allergens

Everyone who is genetically predisposed to allergy may become allergic, in his lifetime, even if he or she is not aware of being predisposed… Allergic reaction arises depending on particular conditions of immunitary system, as well as on environmental factors. For someone few contact with allergens are


Mutagenicity, a poorly known issue

Mutagenicity, a poorly known issue

Our body is a collection of tissues, each one with a function; they are constituted by the cells, which are characterized by different kinds of proteins. Each protein is created following the instructions codified inthe DNA, which is organized in chromosomes and is stored inside the cell
