Cleaning in Public Administration

Cleaning in Public Administration

Bensos’ professional use products are very recommendable for cleaning Public Administration, as schools, school canteens, offices, warehouses. All products fulfil GPP Criteria and are allergens-free. So public bodies can lower their own environmental impact and, at the same time, make more and more livable workplaces and study sites.


Oxygen peroxide: pros and cons

Oxygen peroxide: pros and cons

Oxygen peroxide is a very ecological disinfecting and bleaching agent: after reacting with microbes and soil, residuals are just made with solo water and oxygen, which show zero environmental impact; moreover, differently from chlorine-based disinfectants (that form toxic chloramines), do not form toxic reaction products reacting with


How to clean the oven without toxic fumes

How to clean the oven without toxic fumes

People caring for their health often use to cook their food at home, with selected unsophisticated ingredients: bread, pizza and other dishes involving the baking. The “price” will be paid when the oven will need to be cleaned: usually, oven cleaners are strongly irritant towards the skin,


How to keep the dishwasher clean

How to keep the dishwasher clean

We happened to see some household dishwashers, using common detergents, which did not comply with the basic hygiene requirements as littered with mould and layered residues. This may be due to a bad dissolution of powder detergents, because of too low washing temperatures or too little water


Tricks for dark fabrics laundry

Tricks for dark fabrics laundry

The ecological choice, in laundry detergents, implies the total lack of “camouflaging” chemicals, aimed to keep up appearances, but liable to pollute and leave toxic traces, such as optical brighteners, dyes, persistent perfumes and other additives. The ecological laundry process results more “transparent” and washing problems are
